GREEN SPACEは辰己耕造(庭プロデューサー)と 辰己二朗(庭師)を中心とするオーセンティックでヒップな庭づくり集団である。
GREEN SPACE Co., Ltd. is a group of authentic and hip gardeners which Mr. Tatsumi Bros. play the sense of center.
Designing, creating and maintaining are our works.
The ideology and techniques had been followed from generation to generation as a gardener family. The historical context of Japanese garden had been continued from the age of Master. Muso Soseki(1275-1351). Art, fashion, music, street, food and these kinds of today’s cultures.
We imagine that the “garden” which these contexts are crossing and overlaping in all directions. Furthermore, bringing the sense of contemporary to the “garden world” which is considered as an outdated thing in Japan is our aim.
南青山や原宿のセレクトショップ。ホテルやカフェまた保育園の園庭。そして個人邸の庭に至るまでのクライアント、庭づくりの幅の広さもまたGREEN SPACEの強みだと考えております。
Select shops in Minami-Aoyama & Harajuku, hotels, cafes, nursery schools and private gardens, these are also the breadth of GREEN SPACE.
By always thinking about “garden” which is in our presence…